Friday, May 27, 2016


When you exercise faith in God, you will be different, See things differently, act differently! and you won't care what people say, You will begin to love and accept all people, begin to understand that the old testament is/was a shadow of the new, begin to see the Answer instead of just lingering on the question and you will also begin to see that God is bigger than any doctrine, creed or denomination and if need be, you will muster courage to walk away from the traditions of men so that you begin to understand what it means to eat the meat and not just feed on baby milk; You will be hurt, bruised and rejected because the Spirit will lead you out to the wilderness so that you He can kill your flesh and then you learn to depend only on what Spirit says; that is you will learn how to call sinners friends, calling those who have been rejected as "unclean" as "clean", call your enemies brethren, be willing to wallow in the mud with the downtrodden of this world, wear a crown of thorns because you are not ashamed to be called the "chief of sinners" and bear their burdens by denying yourself and carrying your cross to follow Him, this is what it means to live by faith. but on the other hand if you choose to live by sight, Then you will become the "good christian" you will not be different because you will be in your "christian comfort zone" you will never see the need to question because you won't be seeing things differently, you will act, talk and speak just like the average religious person and you will always see "those sinners" as scum of the devil, You will equate the bible to the Son of God and thus engage in the idolatry of worshiping the letter and not the Spirit who is the giver and sustainer of life. You "contain" God in your little box of doctrine, creed and denominational beliefs and thus God becomes a genie who can be summoned at will and carry out every command of yours and your denomination or church. You will rather be found dead than to be seen with the "heathen", condemn your enemies as lost and bound for hellfire, separate from God those whom He reconciled to Himself and not lift a finger to help with their heavy loads. You will be happy to be clothed in a robe of purple and to live sumptuously in palaces while the "scum of the earth" admire the crown of gold on your head and wish you could let them in so that they "belong". e.t.c Friends, Christ said He would wage war and many of us in the church think that He will fight someone else but not us, but what if that someone else is us, because we have not obeyed His commandments and kept the faith, something to think about; be blessed.

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